Financial Advisers React To ChatGPT | Lighthouse Financial

Financial Advisers React To ChatGPT Episode 132

This week James and Mike react to financial advice provided by ChatGPT. We ask a range of questions from investment advice to prenups and review the answers.

What’s a better investment, shares or property?

Whether shares (stocks) or property (real estate) is a better investment depends on various factors, including your financial goals, risk tolerance, investment horizon, market conditions, geographic location, and even personal expertise. Both have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s examine the pros and cons of each:

Shares (Stocks):


  • Liquidity: Stocks are generally more liquid than property. You can buy or sell shares in a matter of seconds, allowing for quick access to cash.
  • Diversification: With a relatively smaller amount of money, you can diversify across various sectors and regions. This can help spread risk.
  • Dividends: Some stocks pay dividends, providing a regular income stream.
  • Growth Potential: Some stocks, especially in the technology or healthcare sectors, offer significant growth potential.
  • Lower Transaction Costs: The costs of buying and selling shares are typically lower than the costs associated with buying and selling property.


  • Volatility: Stock prices can be highly volatile in the short term, leading to potential significant losses.
  • Complexity: The stock market requires understanding and analysis. Without proper research, you might make poorly informed decisions.
  • No Control: Shareholders have little control over the company’s decisions unless they hold a significant portion of shares.


Property (Real Estate):


  • Tangible Asset: Property is a physical asset, which some investors find reassuring.
  • Rental Income: If rented out, properties can provide a steady income stream.
  • Leverage: Real estate allows for significant leverage. You can buy a property with a 20% down payment and finance the rest, magnifying returns on your actual investment.
  • Tax Benefits: Depending on the jurisdiction, there might be tax deductions related to mortgage interest, property taxes, or other expenses.
  • Potential for Appreciation: Over the long term, property values tend to rise, although this can vary by location.


  • Illiquidity: Selling a property can be a lengthy process. It’s not as easy to access your money as it is with stocks.
  • Maintenance Costs: Properties require ongoing maintenance, which can be costly.
  • High Transaction Costs: The costs involved in buying and selling property (e.g., stamp duty, agent fees) can be substantial.
  • Market Cycles: While property often appreciates in the long run, there can be long periods of stagnation or even depreciation.


Final Thoughts:

  • Risk Tolerance: Stocks can be more volatile in the short term, while property is generally viewed as a stable, long-term investment.
  • Capital: If you have limited capital, getting into the stock market might be easier. Real estate often requires a more substantial initial outlay.
  • Investment Horizon: If you’re looking for long-term appreciation and are okay with tying up your money, property could be attractive. For a shorter time frame or more flexibility, shares might be more appropriate.

It’s also worth noting that diversifying across both asset classes can be beneficial. This way, you’re not overly exposed to the risks inherent to either.

Always consult with financial advisors or professionals when making investment decisions. They can offer guidance tailored to your specific situation.

Do your best to explain compounding interest to a child

Imagine you have a magic piggy bank. At the end of each week, the piggy bank rewards you by adding more coins to it based on how much money is already inside.

Let’s say you start by putting 10 coins inside.

At the end of the first week, the magic piggy bank adds 1 more coin because you had 10 coins inside. Now you have 11 coins.

At the end of the second week, the piggy bank sees your 11 coins and decides to add a bit more than the first week. So, it gives you another coin, plus a little extra, let’s say 1.1 coins. Now you have 12.1 coins.

Each week, the piggy bank adds a little more based on how many coins you have. The more coins you have, the more new coins the piggy bank adds.

So, if you let your coins sit and grow in the piggy bank, over time, you’ll have more and more coins, not just from what you put in, but also from the magic piggy bank’s weekly reward. This is like the magic of compounding interest: the more you save, and the longer you let it grow, the bigger your treasure becomes!

Do you think superannuation in New Zealand will be around when I retire at 65? I’m currently 30

I can’t predict the future, but I can provide some insight based on current trends and the state of the superannuation system in New Zealand as of my last training data in 2021.

New Zealand’s Superannuation is a universal retirement benefit available from age 65. It’s been a significant part of the country’s welfare system and is funded from general taxation. Here are a few considerations:

  • Demographic Changes: As with many countries, New Zealand is experiencing an aging population. This means more people will be drawing from the Superannuation system in the future. As the ratio of working-age people to retirees shifts, there could be more pressure on the government’s budget.
  • Economic and Fiscal Health: The sustainability of Superannuation depends on the country’s overall economic health and fiscal policy. New Zealand has historically had a reasonably healthy economy, but economic downturns, natural disasters, or other unforeseen events can impact the government’s ability to fund Superannuation.
  • Policy Changes: Over the years, there have been discussions about potential reforms to the Superannuation system. Some suggested changes include raising the age of eligibility, adjusting the payment rate, or means-testing the benefit. Any of these changes could affect the nature of Superannuation by the time you retire.
  • KiwiSaver: New Zealand also has the KiwiSaver scheme, a voluntary, work-based savings initiative designed to help New Zealanders save for their retirement. The presence of such schemes might relieve some pressure from the Superannuation system, but they also represent a shift towards encouraging individuals to take more responsibility for their retirement savings.
  • Public Opinion: New Zealand Superannuation is popular and has widespread public support. Any significant changes would likely be politically sensitive and would require considerable public discussion and consultation.

In conclusion, while it’s difficult to predict with certainty the state of New Zealand Superannuation 35 years from now, it’s plausible that the system might undergo reforms to ensure its sustainability. It’s always a good idea to diversify your retirement savings strategy. Consider contributing to a KiwiSaver account, investing in other avenues, and keeping yourself informed about any policy changes as you plan for your retirement.

How do I start a conversation about creating a prenup with my partner?

Starting a conversation about a prenuptial agreement (prenup) can be delicate, as it brings financial concerns into a relationship typically based on love, trust, and partnership. However, when approached with care, understanding, and respect, it can be a constructive conversation. Here are steps and tips to consider:

  • Choose the Right Moment:
    • Find a quiet, relaxed time to bring up the topic, away from other stressors or distractions.
    • Make sure it’s well in advance of any wedding planning, so it doesn’t seem rushed or pressured.
  • Start with ‘I’ Statements:
    • This reduces the chance of your partner feeling attacked or defensive. For example, “I’ve been thinking about our future and how we can protect both of us.”
  • Explain Your Reasons:
    • Be honest about why you’re considering a prenup. This could be related to concerns about specific assets, past experiences, or lessons learned from friends or family members.
    • Emphasize that it’s about protecting both parties and ensuring clarity, not just safeguarding your interests.
  • Listen Actively:
    • Give your partner time to process and respond. Listen to their concerns and feelings without interrupting.
  • Highlight the Positive Aspects:
    • A prenup can provide clarity, reduce conflicts in case of unforeseen circumstances, and allow both of you to enter the marriage with a clear understanding of each other’s financial expectations.
  • Seek Professional Guidance:
    • Suggest meeting with a legal professional together to discuss what a prenup entails. A lawyer can provide an objective perspective and clarify misconceptions.
  • Reiterate Your Commitment:
    • Emphasize that wanting a prenup doesn’t mean you anticipate the relationship ending. It’s just one of many financial decisions couples make, like buying a home or planning for retirement.
  • Be Ready for Different Reactions:
    • Your partner might react with understanding, confusion, hurt, or defensiveness. Be patient and empathetic, understanding that everyone has their own relationship with money and security.
  • Consider Counseling:
    • If the topic becomes contentious, consider seeking couples counseling. A neutral third party can facilitate the conversation and help address underlying concerns.

How much should I spend on an engagement ring?

The amount you should spend on an engagement ring varies based on personal circumstances, cultural expectations, and individual values. Here are a few factors and guidelines to consider:

  • Traditional Guidelines:
    • One common guideline suggests spending two to three months of your salary on an engagement ring. However, this guideline was popularized by diamond marketers in the mid-20th century and might not reflect modern financial realities or priorities.
  • Personal Financial Situation:
    • Review your financial status, including savings, debts, and future financial goals.
    • Think about other upcoming significant expenses, such as a wedding, honeymoon, home purchase, or other major commitments.
    • Choose a budget that doesn’t put you in significant debt. An engagement ring should symbolize love and commitment, not financial strain.
  • Partner’s Expectations:
    • Some partners might have specific desires or expectations for an engagement ring, while others might prioritize other financial goals. Having an open conversation can clarify these expectations.
    • Consider the lifestyle, tastes, and daily activities of your partner. If they’re into hands-on work, for instance, a large or expensive ring might not be practical.
  • Value and Investment:
    • Remember that while diamonds are often marketed as investments, they typically don’t appreciate in value like stocks or real estate. Consider the purchase as more of an emotional investment than a financial one.
    • Research on diamonds and settings can help ensure you’re getting a good value for your money.
  • Alternatives to Traditional Rings:
    • Many couples are choosing non-traditional rings, such as rings with other gemstones or vintage rings. These can be less expensive and more unique than the typical diamond ring.
    • Some couples prioritize experiences over items, choosing to spend less on a ring and more on a memorable honeymoon or down payment for a house.
  • Insurance and Protection:
    • If you spend a significant amount on a ring, consider getting it insured. This will add to the ongoing cost, so factor it into your budget.
  • Cultural and Social Considerations:
    • In some cultures or social groups, there might be specific expectations about the size or value of an engagement ring. Be aware of these, but also prioritize what feels right for you and your partner.

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