Wealth Disclosure Statement | Lighthouse Financial

Disclosure Statement

Licensing Information

Lighthouse Wealth Limited (FSP 748572, trading as Lighthouse Wealth) holds a license issued by the Financial Markets Authority to provide financial advice.

You can contact us at:
Phone: 09 884 0159
Email: wealth@lighthousefinancial.co.nz
Address: 41 High Street, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010
Website: lighthousewealth.co.nz

About us

At Lighthouse, our purpose is to secure your financial future.

For us, this means:

  • Buying long-term assets
  • Financial Literacy + Action = Financial Freedom
  • Compounding returns are the greatest force in the financial universe
  • We think long term, not short term.

Lighthouse Wealth is unique. We offer holistic advice and have a great team of accountants and mortgage brokers at Lighthouse, making us your one-stop shop for securing your financial future.

Our Team:

  • James Blair (FSP 376306)
  • Ash Solly (FSP 1004631)
  • Jess Hargreaves (FSP 1007365)
  • Nicole Lam (FSP 1008149)
  • Cesar Ballie (FSP 1005879)
  • Euan Jones (FSP 1001774)
  • Callum Gilmour (FSP 1006607)

Nature and Scope of the advice

Lighthouse Wealth provides advice to our clients about their investments, including managed funds and investment property, KiwiSaver, budgets, and personal insurance.

For our investment portfolios, we pay for research from MyFiduciary, allowing us to build investment portfolios for our clients. These model portfolios are designed for those with more than $250,000 to invest.

Product Providers

All Lighthouses Financial Advisers provide financial advice on products from specific providers. A list of these providers can be found below:

  • Kernel Wealth & Synergy Investments – for clients who have a smaller lump sum to invest or who want to contribute regularly to their investment.
  • Milford, Booster, and Generate – our KiwiSaver providers.
  • Asteron, AIA, Fidelity Life, Chubb, and Partners Life – for life insurance and income protection.
  • AIA, nib, and Partners Life – for health insurance.
  • Booster – for UK pension transfers.

We work with a range of property development firms when clients are considering an investment property.

We provide advice on a wide range of NZ and overseas-based investment funds for investment products.

Fees or expenses

Lighthouse charges a fee for your financial plan. These fees will only apply if you agree to them before any engagement for our services. For more about our fees, follow the link here.

KiwiSaver and insurance providers pay Lighthouse a commission fee and/or an ongoing amount. Initial commissions are a percentage based on the value of your investment contributions or insurance premiums. Ongoing commissions are recurring percentages based on the value of your investment balance or insurance premiums. Specific commission amounts will be disclosed and agreed upon before any advice and products are implemented.

Lighthouse charges 0.55%, including GST, as an ongoing advice fee for clients who implement our MyFiduciary portfolios. This ongoing advice fee covers the annual review, ongoing management, and any recommended changes in the future.

Conflicts of Interest & Incentives

For life and health insurance, Lighthouse Wealth receives commissions from the insurance companies on whose policies we advise. If you decide to take out insurance, the insurer will pay a commission to Lighthouse Wealth. The amount of the commission is based on the amount of the premium.

For KiwiSaver, Lighthouse Wealth receives either an upfront commission or an ongoing trail (depending on the KiwiSaver provider) if you decide to open or transfer your KiwiSaver to that specific provider. The amount of the commission or trail is dependent on the balance of your KiwiSaver and salary.

Lighthouse’s Financial Advisers are salaried employees and do not receive any individual payments from providers based on recommended solutions for clients.

Where relevant, we will share your information with our other partner businesses (Lighthouse Accounting, Lighthouse Mortgages, and Lighthouse Wealth) for the purpose of providing any current or future services you may request. We will always act in your best interests first and disclose all associated referral fees, commissions, conflicts of interest, or potential conflicts of interest where appropriate.

To ensure that our Financial Advisers prioritize the client’s interests above their own, we follow an advice process that ensures our recommendations are made based on the client’s goals and circumstances. All our Financial Advisers undergo annual training to help manage conflicts of interest. We undertake a compliance audit and an annual review of our compliance programme by a reputable compliance adviser.

If you decide to purchase a property following an introduction by a Lighthouse adviser, Lighthouse will receive a flat agent’s fee from the developer for any successful referral. The referral fee is not an added cost to the property. It is not dependent on the value of the property you purchase, meaning there is no conflict for an adviser to recommend a property with a higher purchase price.

From time to time, Lighthouse Wealth may receive certain non-monetary benefits from product providers. This could include, but is not limited to, gratuities such as a bottle of wine at Christmas time, a free calendar, pen, or book, the occasional luncheon, drinks after a briefing session, invitations to sporting events, subsidised professional development, discounted training courses, or office supplies, etc.

Complaints Handling & Disputes Resolution

If you are not satisfied with our financial advice service, you can make a complaint by emailing info@lighthousefinancial.co.nz, or by calling 09 320 4947. You can also write to us at:

Address: 41 High Street, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010

When we receive a complaint, we will consider it following our internal complaints process:

  1. We will consider your complaint and let you know how we intend to resolve it.
  2. We may need to contact you to get further information about your complaint.
  3. We aim to resolve complaints within 10 working days of receiving them. If we can’t, we will contact you within that time to let you know we need more time to consider your complaint.
  4. We will contact you by phone or email to let you know whether we can resolve your complaint and how we propose to do so.

If we can’t resolve your complaint, or you aren’t satisfied with the way we propose to do so, you can contact The Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme. The Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme provides a free, independent dispute resolution service that may help investigate or resolve your complaint if we haven’t been able to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. You can contact The Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme in the following ways:

Email: info@ifso.nz
Phone: 0800 888 202
You can also write to them at:
The Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme
Level 2, Solnet House
70 The Terrace
Wellington 6143

Duties Information

Lighthouse Wealth, and anyone who gives financial advice on our behalf, have duties under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 relating to the way that we give advice. We are required to:

  • Give priority to your interests by taking all reasonable steps to make sure our advice isn’t materially influenced by our own interests.
  • Exercise care, diligence, and skill in providing you with advice.
  • Meet standards of competence, knowledge, and skill set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (these are designed to make sure that we have the expertise needed to provide you with advice).
  • Meet standards of ethical behavior, conduct, and client care set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (these are designed to make sure we treat you as we should and give you suitable advice).

This is only a summary of the duties that we have. More information is available by contacting us or by visiting the Financial Markets Authority website at https://www.fma.govt.nz.


You can view our general privacy policy here.

As part of our process, we will collect your personal information. We take your privacy very seriously and have the appropriate processes and controls in place to ensure your data is protected. Your Adviser and relevant Lighthouse Wealth staff will have access to your data so we can provide the highest level of service. Where relevant, we will share your information with our other partner businesses (Lighthouse Accounting, Lighthouse Mortgages, and Lighthouse Wealth) for the purpose of providing any current or future services you may request.

We allow third parties access to your data for compliance reasons. This will occur during our client file reviews by our independent compliance contractor, Compliance Refinery. We may also need to complete an Anti-Money Laundering check as per regulation. We use Real AML for these checks. We can also be reviewed by the regulator, the Financial Markets Authority. They will access your personal details as part of their review.